Shaws Wire Ropes Iron Test


Shaws Iron Test; One quick slash grapple | Shaws Wire Rope: Articles/Iron Test

You know things are going to get interesting when you are still 20 kilometres from the skid north of Gisborne and the road, halfway up the range, surrounded by grass paddocks for miles, suddenly looks like a hillbilly’s driveway due to cyclone damage. Out the gate steep and narrow and it’s got a...

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Shaws Iron Test; Everything you need... nothing you don’t | Shaws Wire Rope: Articles/Iron Test

It was a pleasant surprise to hear that Russell Jensen himself was going to host us for this John Deere 803MH harvester Iron Test at Hamurana just north of Lake Rotorua. It turns out this is Russell’s ‘Pet Crew’ operating in a forest managed by Todd Cheeseman from Waipa Forest Management. Russell...

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