Shaw's Wire Ropes Iron Test - Power to burn
For Buster Pieta, the Sumitomo 3740TLW is a real grin machine. He can’t stop grinning when he’s operating it. And he’s definitely not the only one at Lloyd Logging who is deeply impressed by it… and impressed on a scale rarely seen in this industry.
Lloyd Logging was among the first to take delivery of a new generation 40-series Sumitomo model in New Zealand. Weighing in at 37 tonnes, the 3740 loader is a 250-sized machine with a 300 base and an 11.68 metre reach. One of its stand-out features is fuel economy, as it appear...
NZ Logger Feature Sections June 2022
Young Achievers - Chop chop
Bushman, bodybuilder, axeman, runner… any one of these titles fits Matthew Grant Stewart (Matt) like a chainsaw mitt. His love for the bush gelled well with his passio...
Worker Wellness One for the blokes
Just knowing where to go in tough times can be a great first step to changing a life. Our guys and girls working in the forestry industry are pretty capable, hardy and...
Forest Talk
A “blunt instrument” undermining forestry
New rules limiting farm to forestry conversions under the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) are set to have dire consequences for forest growers in New Zealand ...
Carbon tax “best” for lower emissions and the economy
A carbon tax is the most effective way for New Zealand to cut emissions while supporting a stable economy, according to a recent University of Auckland study...
Clamp down on trade in illegally harvested timber
Consultation on operational details to implement New Zealand’s legal harvest assurance system to combat trade in illegally harvested timber, began last month...
“Mate, where are your gloves?”
Ensuring consistent use of protective gear is crucial for worker safety. According to Safetree a significant portion of work-related injuries and fatalities ...
Mobile phones leading cause of distracted driving incidents
Some 70% of businesses have experienced the effects of distracted driving incidents, with 68% of survey respondents identifying mobile phone use as the prima...
Solid logging equipment approach
Quebec-based logging contractor, Steeve Ladrie’s, business approach is all about the selection of the right equipment based on meeting the needs of his very ...
Truck battery swapping station for electric trucks
More electric trucks will be rolling out onto Sydney streets within weeks, following the completion of Janus Electric’s first solar-powered Charge and Change...
NZ Logger Magazine
Truck battery swapping station for electric trucks | Read Now
"if a tree falls in a forest...?"
Forest Talk will hear it!