Forest Talk

Engaging, interactive myrtle rust app

Engaging, interactive myrtle rust app

Posted on 17-Jul-2024

Scion has launched a new interactive learning app designed to empower rangatahi (young people) and communities with knowledge about myrtle rust.

Developed with a focus on accessibility and engagement, the ‘E heke e Heka!’ app combines innovative technology with culturally relevant content in both Te Reo Māori and English, for a diverse audience aged 12 and above.

Students from three kura (Whakarewarewa School, Te Rangihakahaka Centre for Scienc..... more

ETS still our “most effective tool”

ETS still our “most effective tool”

Posted on 17-Jul-2024

According to the Climate Forestry Association (CFA) the blame for the failure of last month’s Emission Trading Scheme (ETS) auction can be laid squarely at the feet of the Climate Change Commission along with the previous Labour Green Government - reflecting a series of manufactured crises rather than a fundamental issue with the market.

The quarterly ETS auction failed to attract any bids, following a partial clearance of units in March – raising $1..... more

Good power all round

Good power all round

Posted on 17-Jul-2024

It’s obvious somebody is doing something very different with this Komatsu PC300FX at PJ and DA Stephens Logging Contractors Taupo, and judging by the glowing report that owner and part-time operator, Pete Stephens, has on this machine, different is Very good, says Iron Test writer, Tim Benseman.  

He continues: “As great operators get harder to come by, it's critical that cabs become better places to work and cooling is a key component to air qu..... more

Have your say

Have your say

Posted on 17-Jul-2024

A series of webinars on the Levy Vote 2024 is underway, hosted by the Forest Owners Association (FOA) and Forest Growers Levy Trust (FGLT).

The Harvested Wood Material Levy is paid by every plantation forest owner in New Zealand when their trees are harvested.

Money raised by the levy is used to support work for the collective benefit of the industry. The levy supports research and development work, health and safety initiatives, biosecurity pr..... more

Major health and safety consultation underway

Major health and safety consultation underway

Posted on 17-Jul-2024

A substantial consultation on work health and safety which began last month is the first step to deliver on the commitment to reforming health and safety law and regulations set out in the ACT-National Coalition Agreement, says Workplace Relations and Safety Minister Brooke van Velden. 

“Businesses and community organisations spend a huge amount of money trying to keep people safe, but it’s worthwhile asking: are the rules and expectations propo..... more

The generation game

The generation game

Posted on 17-Jul-2024

With some old hands, a young boss, new machinery, and women at the controls, all working on schedule for a well-respected forestry company, Goodman Logging is a snapshot of the modern era.

And, if there’s a type of character who might illustrate the changes that have taken place in forestry in recent years, it could well be Nick Goodman.

Nick has the easy drawl of someone comfortable in his own skin, and in the kind of forest where he has spent..... more

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