Forest Talk

Top technicians show their stuff

Top technicians show their stuff

Posted on 17-Jul-2024

The 2024 National final of the New Zealand Hitachi Top Technician competition tested the skills of the top four technicians who reigned successful during the regional rounds of the competition. The regional rounds were held earlier in the year which saw 14 highly skilled technicians narrowed down to just four. 

The four who were successful in securing their spot in the National final were Pieter Neethling and Terry Taylor, from CablePrice’s Auck..... more

“Worse than Gabrielle”

“Worse than Gabrielle”

Posted on 17-Jul-2024

Once again woody debris filled culverts in Gisborne’s Wainui Stream after late June’s  storm - a build-up described as “a lot worse than Gabrielle”.

It comes just months after a group of local surfers cleaned up the area, removing debris that had accumulated from previous storms.

Surfer, Jonas Te Aho, who helped lead the last clean-up with his surf crew Te Moananui a Kiwa, says it is the worst build-up he has seen: “A lot worse than Gabrie..... more

Deep South muscle

Deep South muscle

Posted on 12-Jun-2024

David Macallum and his three sons, along with a couple of other crew members, are working smoothly and efficiently when our Iron Test team arrives at Macallum Harvesting’s operation in the Deep South near Fiordland. 

It’s good to see family working well together, says Iron Test writer Tim Benseman. He continues: “There are a lot of big, shiny and notably straight machines on site but we’re here today to do an Iron Test on the Eltec FHL317L, Elte..... more

End of costly log trade legislation

End of costly log trade legislation

Posted on 12-Jun-2024

Government will repeal legislation requiring the compulsory registration of log traders and forestry advisers, says Forestry Minister, Todd McClay.

“The current system fails to deliver outcomes and places unnecessary costs on forest businesses,” he says.

“The repeal will be delivered at speed, with changes coming into effect before 1 July.

“The previous government legislated a compulsory registration scheme that has failed to deliver outc..... more

Invest in science and research

Invest in science and research

Posted on 12-Jun-2024

A coalition has been launched to campaign against cuts to science and science funding in New Zealand. The Save Science Coalition is a group of organisations, including unions and scientific societies, with an interest in ensuring that New Zealand has a well-functioning and well-funded science and research system.

This follows announcements of significant job cuts for forestry research at Scion and cuts at other organisations. In addition to opposing ..... more

Large woody debris in the spotlight

Large woody debris in the spotlight

Posted on 12-Jun-2024

Principal Scientist at Gisborne District Council, Dr Murry Cave, shared his groundbreaking research on the impacts of Cyclone Gabrielle and the role of Large Woody Debris (LWD) Tairāwhiti at a conference in Quebec this week 

Speaking at the 5th International Wood in World Rivers Conference in Gaspe, Quebec, Dr Cave’s work gained international attention after a presentation at the New Zealand Rivers Conference in late 2023.

Professor Ian Ru..... more

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