Looking forward

Looking forward

Don Hammond joins the Wood Processors and Manufacturers Association of New Zealand (WPMA) as the new Independent Chair this month. He was appointed after a thorough process involving several strong candidates. He is known to many within the wider forestry sector and has a strong background in all facets of the supply chain. 

He brings a wealth of knowledge and governance experience to the new position, having served in various leadership roles across forestry and farming. His deep understanding of the forestry sector, combined with his strategic vision, will contribute to strengthening the synergies between wood processing, manufacturing, and forest management, says the New Zealand Institute of Forestry’s (NZIF) James Treadwell: “As an NZIF Fellow, his appointment is a significant recognition of the expertise and influence professional foresters like Don bring to the broader industry.

"His leadership will be invaluable in guiding the wood processing and manufacturing industry towards greater economic growth and sustainability. This appointment also underscores the crucial role professional foresters and NZIF members play in every part of the sector, from sustainable forest management to innovative wood product development."

Competenz appointment  

On the education front, Training organisation Competenz, has appointed Diane Lithgow as its General Manager of Strategic Engagement. She will oversee the strategic operations of Competenz’s work-based training partnerships, supporting apprenticeship training for learners and employers in 36 sectors.

Ms Lithgow has held senior roles in education for the past 20 years. Most recently, she was National Ako Network Director: Services of Te Pūkenga.

Her new role will focus on the organisation’s operations and industry training strategies, looking for opportunities for continuous improvement while leveraging the existing capability within each sector.

Ms Lithgow says her priority is to understand the industry’s appetite for change in these volatile times while assuring employers that work-based training will continue to lift their workforce capability and success into the next phase of their business.

“Looking up and looking forward is our focus for 2025. Underscoring everything we do is delivering training that improves productivity for every business, ensuring our employers are ready for the future of work and that our learners are living a life with purpose,” she says.

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