Funding cuts question Government priorities

Funding cuts question Government priorities

The Environmental Protection Authority (EPA), New Zealand’s environmental regulator charged with ‘protecting the environment and enhancing a safe and sustainable way of life’, may need to cut one in five roles.

In a response to Government spending cuts, the EPA is proposing to cut a net 42 roles, including 21 currently vacant, representing around one in five roles across the authority as it looks to cut spending by $2.1m.

"This is just the latest in a serious of deep cuts which underscore how little the Government values our precious environmental resources," says Kerry Davies National Secretary for the Public Service Association Te Pūkenga Here Tikanga Mahi.

"It’s already slashed funding and jobs at DOC, the Ministry for the Environment, the Climate Change Commission, Scion, NIWA and GNS Science which all help to safeguard our environment and prepare us for climate change. It’s axed roles at Customs and the Ministry for Primary Industries which protect our borders from threats to our primary sector.

"These proposed cuts at the EPA are just more short-term thinking that will have long term consequences. They include scrapping the team engaging with sectors like forestry and agriculture.

"The EPA has a very important function in supporting our international trade objectives and providing scientific and technical expertise to ensure New Zealand meets its obligations under international environment and climate change agreements. Isn’t this a priority for the Government?”

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