End of costly log trade legislation

End of costly log trade legislation

Government will repeal legislation requiring the compulsory registration of log traders and forestry advisers, says Forestry Minister, Todd McClay.

“The current system fails to deliver outcomes and places unnecessary costs on forest businesses,” he says.

“The repeal will be delivered at speed, with changes coming into effect before 1 July.

“The previous government legislated a compulsory registration scheme that has failed to deliver outcomes and makes ongoing regulation unwarranted. I am confident that voluntary registration through the New Zealand Institute of Forestry is a better mechanism to support the quality of forestry advice,” Mr McClay says.

“We will also refund any fees or levies already paid to the Ministry of Primary Industries this season.”

Timber products play a pivotal role in our primary exports, which contributed $5.8 billion to our economy last year. An operating environment that supports a strong economy is essential to getting New Zealand back on track, lowering the cost of living and providing the quality public services Kiwis deserve, says Mr McClay.

The Government will also make consequential amendments to the Legal Harvest Assurance system.

“This announcement honours our pre-election commitment to cut wasteful spending and costs and rebuild confidence in the forestry sector. It is important that we reduce unnecessary regulation and compliance costs where possible,” Mr McClay says.

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